Soluzioni HUBER per macelli ed industria della carne

Oltre ai grandi macelli e le aziende che lavorano la carne, fanno parte dei nostri clienti anche macelli più piccoli e macellerie. Assieme a loro sviluppiamo soluzioni fatte su misura per le specifiche problematiche delle acque reflue, e le mettiamo in pratica con successo.

Questo settore è caratterizzato da alti carichi di grassi, solidi, BOD e COD, per i quali vanno pagate tasse elevatissime, in relazione all'alto tasso di inquinamento. Diventa quindi più economico ridurre i suddetti carichi in loco, in modo tale da poter immettere le acque reflue nelle fognature pubbliche oppure direttamente nel corpo ricettore, senza dover pagare tasse supplementari, oppure pagandole in misura ridotta.

Le esigenze variano a seconda della grandezza dell'azienda, la quantità delle acque reflue ed il carico. Mentre le industrie più piccole devono separare soltanto grassi e solidi, le grandi aziende sono spesso obbligate a ridurre anche i loro carichi di BOD e COD.

Naturalmente gli obblighi di legge devono essere rispettati scrupolosamente. Spesso però diventa addirittura più economico fare di più, riducendo i costi creati dalle acque reflue e dai rifiuti. Un prerequisito importante per una soluzione fatta su misura è l'esatta analisi del singolo caso applicativo.


Requirements depend on business size, wastewater flow and freight:

Small and middle-size slaughterhouses and butcheries

  • Requirement: Reduction of grease and solids
  • Solution: Screening followed by flotation
  • Reduction rates: grease: 80 - 90 % ; solids: 85 - 90 % ; BOD5/COD: 40 - 70 %

Big meat processing factories and slaughterhouses

  • Requirement: Elimination of grease, solids and BOD5/COD
  • Solution: Screening, precipitation / flocculation and flotation
  • Reduction rates: grease: 90 - 98 % ; solids: 90 - 96 % ; BOD5/COD: 80 - 90 %
  • Sludge dewatering to 20 - 35 % DS

Concetto impiantistico

Concetto impiantistico

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Descrizione processo

Descrizione processo

Wastewater from livestock vehicle washing contains not only faecal matter, but also straw and saw dust. We remove such solids with our Screw Screen. The screenings are washed, in order to return faecal matter into the wastewater, and then dewatered and compacted to a solids concentration of at least 35 %DS; they can be incinerated as solid waste.

Where cattle are slaughtered, 35 to 50 kg of paunch waste is generated per animal; it has a water content of about 90 %. Our Coarse Solids Compactor reduces its volume by 50 – 60 % and increases its solids concentration to 20 – 40 %DS.

Wastewater from the butchery contains much blood and fat. We pre-treat this flow with our Wedge Wire Screen; the wedge wires usually have a spacing of 1 mm. After intermediate storage for flow and freight equalization, we treat the wastewater further in a HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation Plant (DAF). Depending on the specific requirements, the wastewater is first chemically conditioned (by precipitation, coagulation, flocculation and/or neutralization) within a tubular reactor. The DAF effluent can be discharged into the municipal sewer.

For further full-biological treatment we provide a HUBER Membrane Bio-Reactor. Its effluent can be directly discharged into receiving waters. The permeate effluent is of outstanding quality and virtually disinfected, also permitting its reuse as process water.

Waste activated sludge, consisting of biomass generated by biological treatment, is concentrated in our Disc Thickener and then blended with the already thickened flotate sludge from the DAF, mainly containing fat and coagulated blood. The blended sludge is then dewatered in our Screw Press. The dewatered sludge cake and the compacted screenings from the wedge wire screen are preferable supplied to a biogas plant in order to increase its gas production.

When we implement our solutions, we also provide our well-proven HUBER stainless steel components, e.g. Screw Conveyors, Manhole Covers and Stairways, Platforms and Guardrails.   





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